Issue 7 A.Y. 1112
Within this week, Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani, will die due to his defiance of the Sharia law, which he should renounce his faith towards Jesus Christ. The Iranian Supreme Court gave its final verdict amidst of the appeals of Nadarkhani's family because of the fact that he has denied the state religion, Islam.
The State of Iran declared its sovereignty as an Islamic state and putting its principles into effect since its foundation in the late 20th century. Recently, Iran has continued proudly its efforts as an Islamic State without any confrontation or intervention by the western powers, except to the Nuclear Power program which was put into effect for about two years ago. But it was long debated in the Iranian legislature about the issue of religious freedom within the state and that it has to consider the Christian minorities in the state.
Once it was a sign of a smooth sail to Nadarkhani because of the findings that he was indeed a Christian and he hasn't practiced the Muslim faith long ago, which according to the defense panel is an exception to Sharia rule which is against apostasy (leaving Islam), since Nadarkhani wasn't even practicing the religion before he became a Christian. It was promising at first, but the light got dim when the final verdict was heard.
Yousef Nadarkhani's case was defended by Mohammed Ali Dadkah who is reportedly now facing charges by using "acts and propaganda against the Islamic Regime". It is natural for the defense panel, to defend its client but I think it is not rightful for the Iranian Supreme Court to denounce his findings as a case of libel against the state. In the case of his client, many sources are now saying that he will be executed secretly in order for the people not be encouraged to do a mass riot. Perhaps by hanging, which is the most common means of execution in Iran.
The International Community is now pressuring Iran to release Yousef, which the government will not acknowledge since it will cause them a dilemma of defeat when they release him, yet if they don't and executed him, it will cause a massive crime against humanity and for thwarting the right of religious freedom given to an individual. The Iranian government argued that it is based on the principles of Sharia and they must do what is written.
We all know that our freedom is the birthright of every individual and it must be protected by the state which is a part of the Social Contract. Many times the Christian and Muslim faith has been clashing with blood spilled on the pages of history, both were persecuted by other religion because of difference and defiance against the status quo. In this modern era, persecution we have to admit, is still there. In the case of Nadarkhani and his family, it is indeed a nightmare to be facing the open arms of death just because of your faith.
At the end of the day, we will realize that we ourselves are persecuted in a different manner. Even in the Philippines, persecution still lives which was emphasized by the religious minority in the country, they too are experiencing the state of Nadarkhani in Iran. Let us not have more Nadarkhanis in this realm, for we as an individual has the right to religious freedom.
- Brandon P. De Luna, 11A
* Notice to readers: The views expressed in the Weekly Perspective do not necessarily reflect the views of the Academic Committee or of UP POLITICA
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